Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Library News

Library Tidbits
Flex Time
Flex time is open on Mondays from 8:45am-1:30 pm and Tuesday-Friday from 8:45am-2:30pm. Flex time begins Monday, August 18.  We want students to get ample reading materials and learn to make appropriate reading selections, and we certainly don’t want teachers to lose precious instruction time because students are constantly in and out of the library. Students should only come to flex time once a day unless authorized by the teacher.  We encourage students to check out two books when they visit.  This should decrease lost instruction time from the classroom. If a student chooses to only check out one book at a particular visit, they shouldn’t return for checkout until their scheduled library specials time. If students check out two books and finish them both before their scheduled library day, they are more than welcome to come for flex time in between.

No Fine Challenge
Beginning second trimester for fourth and fifth grade classes and in January for third grade classes, the classes with no fines or lost books at the end of the trimesters will receive three free books for their teacher’s classroom library.  This means that at the end of the trimester students owing fines or lost book fees have them paid in full. 

Millionaire Club
Students that reach one million words will be recognized at grade level assemblies. 





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