Sunday, November 4, 2012

Paine Intermediate Food Drive

Paine Intermediate students will collect food for TEAM, Trussville's food bank, from November 5 through November 15.  Any nonperishable food item will be accepted - jars, cans, boxes, packages.  High demand items are cereal, peanut butter, jelly, canned meats like ravioli, tuna, and chicken, and spaghetti and sauce.  Each classroom will have a box for collecting the donated items.  Husky Helpers will collect and organize the donations on November 15.  Help us Feed the Need! 


  1. Thank you for holding this food drive for TEAM:).

  2. This is our fourth or fifth year to collect canned and boxed goods for TEAM in November. We collect breakfast items (cereal, Pop Tarts, oatmeal, grits, etc.) in February.
